Welcome to the page of the NcodeX Project
We do research on Maya hieroglyphic writing and strive to offer innovative Digital Humanities tools and resources, including encoding of the Maya script into the Unicode standard, font-development and digital editions
of Maya hieroglyphic texts
We are a dedicated, international team of researchers and Cultural Heritage professionals combining our skills and expertise to advance knowledge of the Maya hieroglyphic corpus and the modalities for visualizing and
it accurately across web-based platforms and digital devices.
If you would like to meet our team, click here
To see demos featuring some of the resources and research tools that our project develops, click here
To explore a sample of the resources and IIIF-tools that we offer, click here
If you are interested in learning more about the research datasets that we provide, click here
To browse through our project's publications and conference papers, click here
The NcodeX Project is a collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Bonn, Germany, the Script Encoding Initiative (SEI), the Unicode Consortium, the Latin American Library at Tulane University, the Florida Institute for Hieroglyphic Research, and other partner institutions.
This project was made possible by a Digital Humanities Advancement Grant (HAA-268887-20) from the National Endowment for the Humanities; two Adopt-a-Character grants from the Unicode Consortium (AAC-Mayan-2019 and -21), and a Dan C. Hazen Fellowship from SALALM (Seminar for the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials).
SEI work on Maya hieroglyphs has received support from NEH grant PR‐253360‐17 and PR-268710-20, as well as a Google Research grant. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Unicode Consortium, or SALALM.

Special thanks to Matthews Rechs and Christopher Chapman
at Adobe Inc. for supporting our Project with complimentary
Creative Cloud licenses that enhance several aspects of our worklows
at Adobe Inc. for supporting our Project with complimentary
Creative Cloud licenses that enhance several aspects of our worklows